Retirement Income Reports

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Our Retirement Income Report provides a projection of your pension, investments and any other income streams, which is compared against your predicted future outgoings.

This comparison is called a Cash Flow Analysis as it analyses the future cash flows, both incomes and expenditure.

Whilst it is not possible to predict with certainty the future returns that an investment will achieve, we are able to use projections based on historical levels of return and apply a stochastic approach in which thousands of projections are undertaken.

Happy to help you plan for the future

Here at Retirement On Track, we provide retirement planning in Yorkshire to clients across the UK. Give our friendly team a call on

 01977 285720

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A laptop with graphs on the screen

Statistical analysis

Adopting the above methodology allows us to apply a statistical approach to matching the returns from your assets against your projected retirement needs. Using the analysis, we can estimate the likelihood that you are able to meet your retirement goals or whether you would need to explore other options in order to achieve your goals.

Our Retirement Income Reports can assist you in planning your retirement once you have retired or if you are still many years away from retirement. The report can be used to compare how your retirement plans are shaping up based on your current levels of retirement savings.

The report will give you a clear indication as to whether your retirement plans are on track or whether you need to consider adapting your retirement plans by either changing your goals or increasing your retirement provision.




How to get a retirement income report


We will be in touch via phone and email with a Fact Find

Fill out Fact Find with the details that we require, such as savings, partner savings, incomes

You will be issued your Retirement Income Report

Any questions after, we're happy to discuss.





A woman sitting at a table planning her retirement


Things You Should Consider

  • When do you want to retire?
  • How many years do you believe you will spend in retirement? Most people underestimate how many years they will live beyond their retirement date!
  • What are your current level of earnings and do you have any plans to work part time after retiring?
  • What are your current level of savings that can be used to build up your retirement provisions?
  • What are your current retirement provisions?
    For example: company pensions, private pensions, state pensions, ISAs, cash savings, property (buy to let or potential to downsize), and other investments.
  • What level of expenditure do you anticipate in retirement?


Non-discretionary expenditure

This is your day to day living expenses such as groceries, heating, fuel, mortgage, car loans, basically anything that it essential and cannot be reduced. This should also include any tax that you may be liable for.

Discretionary expenditure

This is any expenses that can be considered as optional or at least expenditure that could be reduced if necessary i.e. holidays, hobbies and any luxury spending.

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Retirement Income Report FAQs

How we can help?

A Retirement Income Report gives you a forecast of whether your retirement goals are achievable as things stand, or whether you need to adjust your retirement age, pension input or expectations. By obtaining this information early, you can make manageable adjustments now, and prepare for a more comfortable retirement.

What info do I need to provide?

Information on your pension savings, income expectations, retirement provisions, incomings and outgoings is vital to our predictions. The more information you provide, you give our retirement consultants the best possible chance to create accurate and insightful Retirement Income Reports.

Can't find the answer to your question? Ask us here